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Step into the future of web development!

Hello, Rustaceans!

Welcome to this week's edition of "Rust Unleashed: Powering Frontend, Backend, and Static Sites". We've handpicked a series of articles and updates from the ever-evolving world of Rust programming.

In this edition, we're focusing on the power of Rust in both frontend and backend web development, and its growing influence in the realm of static site generation. We'll be exploring the latest advancements, sharing expert insights, and showcasing real-world applications of Rust in these areas.

So, grab your favorite cup of coffee, get comfortable, and let's dive into this exciting journey into the world of Rust!

Leptos: A Cutting-Edge Rust Framework for the Modern Web

Frontend and Backend, Fullstack, Leptos

Leptos is a full-stack, fully typed Rust framework designed for modern web development. It combines the best paradigms of contemporary web development with the power of Rust.

Key Features

Interactive Web Applications: Leptos simplifies the process of building interactive web applications in Rust. It enables developers to create full-stack apps that start working immediately and are progressively enhanced with client-side interactivity.

Simple Tooling: With Leptos, developers can kickstart projects quickly using straightforward tooling with minimal configuration.

Reactive Signals: Leptos makes it easy to manage state without fighting the borrow checker, thanks to reactive signals.

Server Functions: Leptos allows developers to write "server functions" that work across both the server and client, reducing the boilerplate of setting up new API endpoints.

Type Safety: With Rust's type safety, developers can rest easy knowing that their entire app is protected.


Leptos boasts high performance, scoring 92% on the js-framework-benchmark official results for Chrome 113, outperforming popular frameworks like Vue, Svelte, and React.

UI Patterns and Language Integration

Leptos enables developers to build websites and apps using self-contained components with reactive state management. It also seamlessly integrates Rust backend code with the user interface, allowing for the creation of "full-stack components".

Tool Integration

Leptos integrates perfectly with tools like Tailwind, allowing developers to build on design patterns shared across the web. It also offers great tooling like hot-reloading template updates and a dedicated Leptos language server and VSCode extension, designed to streamline the Leptos coding experience and maintain a consistent code style throughout the project.

For more information or to get started with Leptos, visit their official website. If you're looking for an alternative to Leptos, consider Sycamore.

Unlock Your Coding Potential: Watch this Epic Leptos Tutorial on YouTube

Chatbot with Leptos

Code to the Moon, a popular YouTube channel, recently published an insightful tutorial on building a ChatBot. This walkthrough uses the open-source language model, Leptos, and a crate from Rustformers known as LLM.

LLM, or Large Language Model, is a pivotal model in Natural Language Processing (NLP) that predicts the likelihood of a sentence or a sequence of words, the same way ChatGPT works. It plays a crucial role in various NLP tasks, including speech recognition, machine translation, and text generation. In this tutorial, LLM powers the ChatBot's ability to generate human-like text responses.

The tutorial employs a specific LLM called Wizard-Vicuna, an open-source language model that forms the heart of the ChatBot project. The performance of open-source language models like Wizard-Vicuna is rapidly improving, making them increasingly feasible for use on personal computer hardware.

This walkthrough not only guides you through the process of building a ChatBot but also offers valuable insights and tips. It's an excellent resource for anyone interested in Rust, Leptos, Rustformers, or chatbot development in general.

Enjoy the journey of learning and creating with this tutorial!

Zola: The One-Stop Static Site Engine

Zola is a comprehensive static site generator that provides all the tools you need in a single executable, eliminating the need for additional dependencies. It offers features such as Markdown to HTML conversion, Sass compilation, syntax highlighting, and table of contents generation, which traditionally require a development environment or JavaScript libraries.

Designed for speed and scalability, Zola can generate an average site in less than a second. It renders your entire site as static files, making it capable of handling high traffic levels without the need for server or database management.

Zola's user-friendly design includes an intuitive command-line interface and a flexible template engine. This allows you to focus on creating content for your blog, knowledge base, landing page, or a combination of these. Zola also enhances your Markdown writing with shortcodes and internal links, simplifying content creation.

Deploying your website to Github Pages, a fast, free-of-charge web hosting service, is easily accomplished with Zola.

For more information or to get started with Zola, visit their official website. Discover the benefits of this all-in-one static site generator today.

Zola static website generator

Encourage yourself to discover new aspects of Rust. Stepping outside your comfort zone can enhance your growth as a programmer.

Thanks for reading!
Bob Peters

Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn